Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Life: A little extra money!!

So a few years ago I was a stay at home mom! I would do nothing but play with my son all day! This was great and fun yes but I wanted to try to find a way earn an income to help out with bills and what not. So I did some research to find things I could do from home so that way I wouldn't have to get a babysitter! I tried Avon! That wasn't for me! I tried selling things ob Ebay and that wasn't for me either!

Later I came across a few sites that you can do from your computer that are ABSOLUTELY FREE to join and use! I read a bunch of testimonials and asked people for proof of payment and what I saw wasn't fantastic but it was still something!

One LEGITIMATE site is CashCrate! I personally made money from this in the past! I stopped about 2 years ago when my second son came along and I didn't have much free time to do it anymore!

I have been looking to make a second income since I only work part time as of right now and I don't get many hours! I was looking into getting a second part time job but I don't have time to do that since my husband works full time and is the one who watches the kids while I work! So I thought and thought! I finally decided why not try CashCrate again?!

So I looked up a person who used CashCrate so I could sign up under them and help them with their referrals! I joined yesterday and I am a lot happier with CashCrate this time around! The offers are worth more and there are more ways to earn money now also! If you have tried CashCrate in the past and stopped I recommend you start again! It seems that its easier to earn the money now!

I signed up last night around midnight and today I have already racked up a little over $3.00! Which is great! By the end of the night I should have around $10.00 Im assuming if I put a little time into it! So far I have only been on there about an hour total!

If you are interested in earning a little extra money please feel free to let me know and I will help you out! You can take a look at the site and join by clicking HERE! Remember is it COMPLETELY FREE to join and use! No scams!!!