Well, I worked outside for quite a while yesterday getting my garden started! A few weeks ago I started some plants indoors as you are supposed to! I have a small green house attached to the back of my house! It was broken down for quite some time I guess but when I moved in here my landlord fixed it up and we all kinda share it! I will get some pics of it later and post them on here also! Its nothing spectacular but it gets the job done! My landlord also plowed me a pretty good sized garden! I will measure later and add the dimensions!
Back on the subject, I planted out some plants yesterday and I am pretty happy with the layout! Here is my list of plants:
Green Zucchini
green beans
jalapeno peppers
white habanero peppers
iceberg lettuce
collard greens
I think that is it but I'm sure I'm missing something in there! We will be making our own salsa, spaghetti sauce, canned green beans, and whatever else we can come up with! I plan to also plant some corn but I can't remember if I bought the seeds or not! I also have some onion bulbs that I need to get out there! I will take pictures every few days just to show the progress!
I love gardening! It gives me time to be outside and be stress free! It would be even better if the kids would stop walking through there and trampling my plants! Last year a neighbors horses got out and ran through my garden! I was not happy about that! I hope my garden does better this year than it did last year! I didn't have much time last year since I just started my job at that time and I had more hours! This year I hardly get any hours so it shouldn't be a problem to keep up with it!
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