Saturday, May 21, 2011

Real Life: I am a mommy!!

I was sitting here thinking about what I would want to write about next and I figured... why not talk about my kids!! So I will start by talking about my step son Dev!

Dev was only 3 1/2 when I got with his dad! He was so tiny and adorable! With big blue eyes and super blond hair! He was a funny little boy and loved to be the center of attention! And that he was! He liked to get his way and when he didn't...boy you knew it! Now Dev is 10 and he is the complete opposite of what he was back then! He is so quiet and shy! Still has the bright blue eyes and blond hair! Hes starting to get freckles now too! It's so cute! I just can't believe how much different they get as they get older!

Kota is my oldest biological son! My pregnancy started off rocky with a lot of "morning sickness" although I don't know why they call it morning sickness because I got it all throughout the day and night! After the first 5 months of pregnancy things finally started to go good! I started to feel him moving in my belly and I loved it! About a week before my due date my fluid started leaking so I went in to see the doctor and after the first one toldme it was nothing I went to a second one and determined that we needed to deliver the next day by induction! So the next morning I went in and I had him that night after very immense pain! Oh and an epidural! The epidural worked GREAT! I felt NOTHING after they administered it! He was an excellent baby! He slept all the time and smiled all the time! When he was 10 months old my grandma Mary passed away and it was very hard for my whole family! I brought him with me to the wake and my mom said that him being there really helped my dad to get through it! My dad was and still is very happy to have my kids in his life! He is an awesome grandpa! Shortly after my grandma passed Dakota started talking pretty good! He was able to count to 3 before he was 1! Amonth after he turned 1 he started walking! FINALLY! Before he was 2 he was saying his ABC's and counting to 10 and naming all his shapes and also could recognize his name, my name, daddys name, and Devs name in a group! He was so very smart for his age! And still is! Dakota is now 5 and will be starting Kindergarten in the fall! He is a pretty strong willed kid and likes to get his way! He also likes to be a clown and make people laugh! He is a great kid!

Jules is my baby! My pregnancy with him started off like my first with the sickness! I could feel him moving a lot more early on than I did with my first! My doctor was not very nice and decided to quit so I had to find a different doctor and I'd glad I did! They were a great set of doctors! They were always so helpful! The day of my labor I woke up early from contractions! We got everything together and took my older one up to his grandmas and we went to the hospital! My hospital was almost an hour away mind you! We get there and the ignorant nurse told me I still had about a week to go and sent me home! About 5 hours later I was in full blown labor almost an hour from the hospital! I bet you can imagine the car ride there! We get there and there and I sat in the waiting for what seemed like forever until the maternity nurse came down to get me! When we got up there they asked why it took me so long to get there! I told them the lady this morning told me not to come back unless I was in absolute pain! At this time my contractions were only about 2 minutes apart and I was already completely efaced and dialted! He was on his way out! I was in sooo much pain! They refused to give me any meds at all because they said it would make the baby groggy since he would be out very soon! I was not happy! About 20 minutes later my doctor finally got there and got the show on the road! She broke my water and I pushed about 5 times and he was out! Its amazing how fast the pain goes away once they are out! For some reason I could not refrain from crying about the first 24 hours after I had him! I don't know if it was PPD or what. This one was also a great baby! He definitely slept a lot more than my first! He cried a lot more also! He learned to walk around the same age as my older one! The talking stage came a lot later! He was about 16-17 months before he really started saying real words! Since then he hasn't quit! Now he is 2 1/2 and he talks up a storm! He also knows his ABC's and can count to 20! We are still working on his name and shapes and colors! But I think he is still pretty smart for his age! We also potty training! It seems to possibly take forever with this one but he will get it down soon enough I'm sure!

Well there is a little about my children...the loves of my life! I hope you enjoyed reading! Can you compare anything to your children?