Monday, May 30, 2011

Real Life: Hand washing our laundry!

Well last night I washed a load of laundry and went to start load #2 and my washer filled with water and then froze! It didn't do anything after that! I'm assuming the motor blew or a belt broke or something! Either way it's not working! So today I washed 1 load of laundry by hand and tonight, after I finish writing this, I am going to do a few more loads! I do not go back to work until Thursday so I am planning to wash as much laundry as possible by hand until Thursday! <>My goal will be 10 loads! And yes I have that much laundry!! LOL! Wish me luck! I pray that my hands and wrists don't go out before I can get the majority done!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Life: My boys always amaze me!

Tonight I was sitting here doing my CashCrate stuff and earning a little extra money and I got a little hungry so I asked my husband to go make me a sandwich. He told me to hold on because he was watching a tv show and wanted to wait until the commercial. So after a minute I noticed my 2 year old was standing on a chair by the counter doing something so I went to check what he was doing. He was in there putting peanut butter on a hamburger bun for me :) He was making a sandwich for his mommy :) It was so cute! I swear my boys win my heart over time after time! I got some pictures of him doing this because I want to put them in his scrapbook! Do your kids ever do things like this?

Want to earn a little extra money? Click here to go to CashCrate and start earning FREE money now!

Real Life: A little outside fun!

Tuesday was such a beautiful day! The sun was out, no rain, there was a slight breeze. The only complaint I had was the mosquitos. However, I did handle that easily. I just got a slightly damp log and set fire to it to cause a little smoke. The smoke drives away the mosquitos. It works very well!

After I got the mosquitos away my husband came home from work and set up the slip n slide for himself and the kids lol. They had a blast! I think my husband likes those sort of things more than the kids do! I got a few pictures of the kids having fun in the water. I wish I would have got some of my husband but I didn't.

Real Life: A little extra money!!

So a few years ago I was a stay at home mom! I would do nothing but play with my son all day! This was great and fun yes but I wanted to try to find a way earn an income to help out with bills and what not. So I did some research to find things I could do from home so that way I wouldn't have to get a babysitter! I tried Avon! That wasn't for me! I tried selling things ob Ebay and that wasn't for me either!

Later I came across a few sites that you can do from your computer that are ABSOLUTELY FREE to join and use! I read a bunch of testimonials and asked people for proof of payment and what I saw wasn't fantastic but it was still something!

One LEGITIMATE site is CashCrate! I personally made money from this in the past! I stopped about 2 years ago when my second son came along and I didn't have much free time to do it anymore!

I have been looking to make a second income since I only work part time as of right now and I don't get many hours! I was looking into getting a second part time job but I don't have time to do that since my husband works full time and is the one who watches the kids while I work! So I thought and thought! I finally decided why not try CashCrate again?!

So I looked up a person who used CashCrate so I could sign up under them and help them with their referrals! I joined yesterday and I am a lot happier with CashCrate this time around! The offers are worth more and there are more ways to earn money now also! If you have tried CashCrate in the past and stopped I recommend you start again! It seems that its easier to earn the money now!

I signed up last night around midnight and today I have already racked up a little over $3.00! Which is great! By the end of the night I should have around $10.00 Im assuming if I put a little time into it! So far I have only been on there about an hour total!

If you are interested in earning a little extra money please feel free to let me know and I will help you out! You can take a look at the site and join by clicking HERE! Remember is it COMPLETELY FREE to join and use! No scams!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Real Life: A Family Vacation!

Last March was my 3 year Wedding Anniversary and my husband gets a 2 week time slot at that time every year when his job closes down for Spring Break! During this 2 weeks we always plan a bunch of fun family things to do! Since we got married we had plans to go to Disney World but we never got to go because every time we had money to go.. something else would always come up!

Well, finally last March we were able to come up with the money with no problems in the way to keep us from going! So we finally got our Disney World Vacation!

We did all of out own planning and ticket buying and everything else! I looked into a few vacation planners but after doing all my own research I figured I could plan it all myself and so I did!

We had 5 days at Disney World with the Park Hopper option. We had 10 nights at a moderate hotel. Plus we went to Ripley's Museum and Gatorland! We spent around $3,000.00 for everything! This included gas to and from Florida from Indiana and food plus whatever we bought while we were there!

My husband has been to Disney World many times in the past but as for myself and my boys we had never been! So when we got there we were all very excited and surprised with all the many things to do there! Although my husband had been there before he said this time was by far the best time he has had! We took loads and loads of pictures some of which I will add to this post!

My husband has a blog of his own where he explains a lot of things at Disney World including but not limited to tips and tricks to saving money and time! If you would like to check that out can find it at:

Please go take a look and see if there is anything there to help you plan your Disney World vacation!

Real Life: Give Aways, Freebies, and Contests!!

I would really like to start doing some contests and what not but I want to get more followers before I do that! If you would be interested then be a follower and tell your friends! The contests will be anything from recipes, scrapbooking, sewing, crafts, photography, ect...I want to get at least 15 followers before I start these things and right now I only have 3! One of which is my husband lol!

Real Life: PRODUCT REVIEW...Bounce Dryer Bars

There are so many different laundry products out on the market these days! Far too many to list thats for sure! A more recent product I have tried is the Bounce Dryer Bar!

The Bounce Dryer Bar is a fantastic product if I do say so myself! It is so easy to use and saves a lot of time! It comes in a bar form that slips into the holder! The holder has a sticky pad on the back! All you do it take off the paper backing on the sticky pad and stick the bar onto one of your inside dryer walls!

The bar sticks very well for me although I have seen a few complaints that it doesn't stick well for others! I have never had a problem with mine falling off! Once you stick the bar to the dryer wall you just throw in your wet clothes and turn on the dryer and that is it!

When you take out the laundry you will notice the fresh scent and the clothes will be as soft as if you used dryer sheets!

For me it is easier to use the Bounce Dryer Bars since my dryer eats the dryer sheets! You just leave the bar in there until it eventually wears down and then you just buy a new bar and replace it! There is a small tab that you just press and slide the old bar off and then slide the new bar in!

These Bounce Dryer Bars run about $5.00 at Walmart. When I got mine I bought 2 and this was months ago and I just recently had to replace the bar. Mine lasted for a good 3 months I would say! Which is great because I do a lot of laundry!

I recommend the Bounce Dryer Bar if you are not able to use dryer sheets like me! It is a very simple product and gives nice results!

Real Life: Yesterday was NOT my day!

Yesterday was probably one of the scariest days of my life! My whole life I have always been afraid of storms because of tornadoes! When I was younger every time it would storm one of my aunts or uncles would tell me a tornado was coming and was going to blow our house away and scare the crap out of me! So now even though I'm 26 storms still scare me!

Over the weekend, my husband was gone alll day on both Friday and Saturday working! Sunday he was "sick" so he stayed home and we decided to have a nice family day! We went and played mini golf and then got pizza! We were on your way to Walmart to get some frosting for some cupcakes that I made when I noticed a HUGE dark cloud floating overhead! We got a little closer and I decided Walmart could wait I just wanted to get home!

We were driving for about 2 minutes and I started noticing the sky behind us was getting darker and darker! I look to my right when I was switching lanes and noticed what I think is a tornado in the near distance!!! I have never seen a tornado in real life and I never wanted to! SO I scream at my husband "What the *&#@ is that??????" and he replies "I think that is a tornado!". So of course I start freaking out being the crazy person that I am LOL. I start yelling "What am I supposed to do?" LOL so he told me to just keep driving! I keep going forward and it seems like these crazy clouds are following us so my husband tells me to make a turn and go a different way home. I switch lanes and get ready to turn in that direction and then I notice a huge cloud sweeping across that road so I hurry and get back into the other lane.

We continue on this road for about another 5-7 minutes(which would have been more like 15 minutes but I was going 80 in a 55 :/). Then we come to the road that we had to turn down to get home and I was fine for a minute until I look to the right and see a TON of these huge cloud masses touching the ground! Now these were not tornadoes but they were very close to turning into them! I really started freaking out when I realized we were literally RIGHT NEXT to a HUGE rock quarry that is now filled with water! The last thing I wanted was to be thrown into that! So once again I get up to about 80 and the wind was terrible! About 1 minutes later and it seemed these crazy clouds on the ground were allllll around us! After about 3 minutes FINALLY it all seemed to have swept over and was now behind us!

We FINALLY arrived at our house and watched the news for about an hour or so until the storm blew over! I seen the terrible devastation in Joplin, MO and I just thank God so much that that didn't happen here! They said there were close to 100 deaths! I just couldn't imagine going through something like that! It is terrible!

I pray that all these disasters can be over for a while now!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Real Life: I am a mommy!!

I was sitting here thinking about what I would want to write about next and I figured... why not talk about my kids!! So I will start by talking about my step son Dev!

Dev was only 3 1/2 when I got with his dad! He was so tiny and adorable! With big blue eyes and super blond hair! He was a funny little boy and loved to be the center of attention! And that he was! He liked to get his way and when he didn't...boy you knew it! Now Dev is 10 and he is the complete opposite of what he was back then! He is so quiet and shy! Still has the bright blue eyes and blond hair! Hes starting to get freckles now too! It's so cute! I just can't believe how much different they get as they get older!

Kota is my oldest biological son! My pregnancy started off rocky with a lot of "morning sickness" although I don't know why they call it morning sickness because I got it all throughout the day and night! After the first 5 months of pregnancy things finally started to go good! I started to feel him moving in my belly and I loved it! About a week before my due date my fluid started leaking so I went in to see the doctor and after the first one toldme it was nothing I went to a second one and determined that we needed to deliver the next day by induction! So the next morning I went in and I had him that night after very immense pain! Oh and an epidural! The epidural worked GREAT! I felt NOTHING after they administered it! He was an excellent baby! He slept all the time and smiled all the time! When he was 10 months old my grandma Mary passed away and it was very hard for my whole family! I brought him with me to the wake and my mom said that him being there really helped my dad to get through it! My dad was and still is very happy to have my kids in his life! He is an awesome grandpa! Shortly after my grandma passed Dakota started talking pretty good! He was able to count to 3 before he was 1! Amonth after he turned 1 he started walking! FINALLY! Before he was 2 he was saying his ABC's and counting to 10 and naming all his shapes and also could recognize his name, my name, daddys name, and Devs name in a group! He was so very smart for his age! And still is! Dakota is now 5 and will be starting Kindergarten in the fall! He is a pretty strong willed kid and likes to get his way! He also likes to be a clown and make people laugh! He is a great kid!

Jules is my baby! My pregnancy with him started off like my first with the sickness! I could feel him moving a lot more early on than I did with my first! My doctor was not very nice and decided to quit so I had to find a different doctor and I'd glad I did! They were a great set of doctors! They were always so helpful! The day of my labor I woke up early from contractions! We got everything together and took my older one up to his grandmas and we went to the hospital! My hospital was almost an hour away mind you! We get there and the ignorant nurse told me I still had about a week to go and sent me home! About 5 hours later I was in full blown labor almost an hour from the hospital! I bet you can imagine the car ride there! We get there and there and I sat in the waiting for what seemed like forever until the maternity nurse came down to get me! When we got up there they asked why it took me so long to get there! I told them the lady this morning told me not to come back unless I was in absolute pain! At this time my contractions were only about 2 minutes apart and I was already completely efaced and dialted! He was on his way out! I was in sooo much pain! They refused to give me any meds at all because they said it would make the baby groggy since he would be out very soon! I was not happy! About 20 minutes later my doctor finally got there and got the show on the road! She broke my water and I pushed about 5 times and he was out! Its amazing how fast the pain goes away once they are out! For some reason I could not refrain from crying about the first 24 hours after I had him! I don't know if it was PPD or what. This one was also a great baby! He definitely slept a lot more than my first! He cried a lot more also! He learned to walk around the same age as my older one! The talking stage came a lot later! He was about 16-17 months before he really started saying real words! Since then he hasn't quit! Now he is 2 1/2 and he talks up a storm! He also knows his ABC's and can count to 20! We are still working on his name and shapes and colors! But I think he is still pretty smart for his age! We also potty training! It seems to possibly take forever with this one but he will get it down soon enough I'm sure!

Well there is a little about my children...the loves of my life! I hope you enjoyed reading! Can you compare anything to your children?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Real Life: I love burgers!!! Part 2...The Recipe!

So I shared in my last post I made burgers tonight for dinner! Here is the "recipe" for my awesome burgers!

1 1/2 lbs. Ground Beef
salt and pepper to taste
1 TBSP. worcestershire sauce
2 TBSP. ketchup
1/2 tsp. garlic powder

Mix all ingredients well! Shape into patties (makes about 6 thin burgers). Place in fridge while grill is heating up! Grill until juices run clear!

These burgers are so juicy and delicious! I always make them like this and everyone always loves them! You can always add come chopped onions to add more flavor but I like to put onions on them after they are done! They are especially great with Onion rolls! I'm getting hungry again just thinking about them!! Well if you decide to try this recipe please let me know how you like it! You could probably use the same recipe and do 3 larger burgers! Or double the recipe to make more of course! I almost forgot to add that if you are more of a bbq sauce type of person you can use bbq sauce instead of ketchup! Its all up to you! They will still have an awesome flavor!

I hope you enjoyed this post and be sure to check out my other posts also! Have a great night and God Bless!!

Real Life: I love burgers!!! Part 1...

So today was Day 1 of "Daddy works alllll day" and it went better than I had thought! This is the first time in over a year that I have been home allll day alone with just me and my boys and I have to say it went very well! Usually we wake up around 10-11 a.m. and have breakfast, watch t.v., and do whatever and then have lunch and then daddy is home by 2:30 and on most days Im off to work...And of course when daddy gets home the kids seem to go wild because they know that daddy lets them do whatever they want and today was not like that! They actually listened all day and didn't give me any problems!

We went for a walk, played with water balloons, the kids and the neighbor girls played with the hose, and then I cooked out! We were going to eat outside but the mosquitos started to swarm my yard so we had to relocate indoors! I made burgers, hot dogs, and veggies on the grill! It was all very yummy!

I have to say I think my burgers are the tastiest homemade grilled burgers EVER!! I am going to share my "recipe" with you and if you try it please let me know what you think! I will make another post for the recipe though so it's not "hidden" in this one! Enjoy!

Real Life: Such a beautiful day!

Today is so nice! The temperature is great! Not too hot, not to cool! PERFECT! There is a small breeze...the sun is shining...and the birds are flying everywhere! I even seen a big butterfly earlier! Such a beautiful day! My boys are waiting for the neighbor girl to get home so they can play with her and do some water balloons and possibly the sprinkler if it warms up a little more! In a few hours we will make some burgers on the grill and have a nice little picnic dinner outside! I am bummed about 2 things though...My husband works alll day today and allll day tomorrow, and also we went for a walk earlier and got eaten but mosquitos! Other than that this is nice day! I'm thinking I might take some scrapbook stuff outside and do that while the kids are running around! Maybe make some sun tea...and then throw the sprinkler in the garden later this evening!

Tomorrow it is supposed to rain in the evening but I am hoping it will be nice during the day so the kids can get some outside time again! They LOVE being outdoors! I am hoping we can all get a touch of color while we're out there lol. I'm thinking I might give my boys some haircuts also maybe tonight! Especially my older one Kota. Has anyone other than me ever noticed that boys stink after they come in from outside? LOL! Like seriously, they have this smell...kinda like a wet dog...I don't know...Maybe I just have a good sniffer I suppose lol.

Well I suppose I will take the boys outside now and let them run off some more energy! I am hoping they will get to bed a little early tonight! That would really cap off my lovely day! I love my boys and I love them being around me all day long but I never get alone time and I might actually be able to get a little alone time tonight!

I hope your day is as nice as mine has been! God Bless!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Real Life: The AMAZING scrappy deals I found today!!

I live in a very small town in Indiana and in this small town we have an awesome, huge, discount store/warehouse! It is filled with all kinds of great deals on things from food to clothes to furniture and all kinds of things in between! Well, we were bored today so we went out to a few places and we stopped there on our way home! We haven't been there in about a month or 2 I'd say and so they have some new stuff in there now! Well, they have a small scrapbook section that usually only has a few neat things but mostly stuff that isn't very interesting! However, today I found a TON of awesome stuff and the best part was 2/$1.00!!!!!!!!! I picked up almost one of everything! Well not really but I did get a bunch of different things! Then I was thinking about it when I got home and I thought why not go back and pick up some extras that I can toss on my etsy shop and also throw into a contest on here for a free give-away! Well by the time I thought of this they were already closed but I do plan to go back within the next few days and stock up on all of this stuff! Let me throw you a list of some of the stuff there!

Jolee's Mini T-shirts of all different types
Sticko Style Luggage tags
"Time will tell" Nostalgiques by Rebecca Sower
"Vintage frames" Nostalgiques by Rebecca Sower
Embroidered stickers that say "Graduation"
Blue adhesice tags
"Paper work" Nostalgiques by Rebecca Sower
Debossed cardstock stickers from the "getaway" set by Sticko Style
Inspirables frames
Nostalgiques "The attic collection" travel fasteners
Inspirables stone stickers (2 different kids)
Sticko Style Keepsake wallet album

Thats just not even half of the stuff they had there! All 2/$1.00!!! They also have a 3 PACK of Princess paper punches! The pack comes with 1 crown punch, 1 cinderella shoe punch, 1 castle punch....DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!! $3.99 for the set!! I don't have a little girl though so I didn't buy the set but I'm thinking about getting it for a give away or contest on here! But I want to get more followers before I do that type of stuff!

I posted some pics of just a few of the items I bought! There is still a good amount more but it takes forever for them to upload so I will add them maybe tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed my post and have a great day!!

Real Life: The gardening mama is at it again!!

Well, I worked outside for quite a while yesterday getting my garden started! A few weeks ago I started some plants indoors as you are supposed to! I have a small green house attached to the back of my house! It was broken down for quite some time I guess but when I moved in here my landlord fixed it up and we all kinda share it! I will get some pics of it later and post them on here also! Its nothing spectacular but it gets the job done! My landlord also plowed me a pretty good sized garden! I will measure later and add the dimensions!

Back on the subject, I planted out some plants yesterday and I am pretty happy with the layout! Here is my list of plants:
Green Zucchini
green beans
jalapeno peppers
white habanero peppers
iceberg lettuce
collard greens

I think that is it but I'm sure I'm missing something in there! We will be making our own salsa, spaghetti sauce, canned green beans, and whatever else we can come up with! I plan to also plant some corn but I can't remember if I bought the seeds or not! I also have some onion bulbs that I need to get out there! I will take pictures every few days just to show the progress!

I love gardening! It gives me time to be outside and be stress free! It would be even better if the kids would stop walking through there and trampling my plants! Last year a neighbors horses got out and ran through my garden! I was not happy about that! I hope my garden does better this year than it did last year! I didn't have much time last year since I just started my job at that time and I had more hours! This year I hardly get any hours so it shouldn't be a problem to keep up with it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Real Life: A few laundry tips!

To start with, just let me say I hate doing laundry! Well actually I don't mind washing the laundry I just hate folding it and putting it away! I will be honest and tell you that a lot of the time the clothes stay in the baskets for days after they are folded! Half of the time I don't even fold them! Sounds lazy I know! I used to love doing laundry until I started doing someone else's laundry besides my own! When I started doing my husband's laundry I would fold them all and put them into different drawers depending on the item! Sock and boxers in one drawer, t-shirts in another, pants and shorts in a different drawer, and pajamas and sweaters in another drawer! Then I started noticing that he would try on a shirt and not like it so he would take it off and just throw it into whatever drawer he wanted and it made me mad! Then when my step son started dressing himself he would do the same thing! Now I got a husband and 3 kids that all like to do it! So I figure why fold them and put them away if they are just going to make a mess of them by the next day anyway?!

Now like I said the washing and drying part is not as annoying! I love to make sure that the clothes come out of the washer smelling fresh and clean! I use a few different brands of laundry soap! I used Arm&Hammer for about a whole year and a half, then I started using Purex, and now I have moved to Wisk! They all seem to leave your clothes smelling nice and they are all priced nicely also! I used to love Gain and Tide but they are too expensive for my budget!

I also use liquid fabric softener! The 2 that I use the most are Suavital(sp) and Gain! I do have a trick to saving on the liquid fabric softener which is great because I can spend a little more on it and it will last quite awhile! I had a few empty fabric softener bottles so what I do is divide 1 bottle of fabric seftener between 3 bottles! They should be about 1/3 of the way full! Then I fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake really well! Most fabric softener is concentrated so adding water will not hurt it any! Everytime I use the fabric softener I make sure to shake it really well first to make sure it is mixed well! Although I dilute it, you can still smell it very good on the clothes!

I also have a spray bottle that contains a mixture of about 1/3 cup liquid fabric softener and then fill the rest with water and shake well! I spray the clothes a bit while theyre still wet, as I throw them into the dryer! It helps with the static and adds more of the fresh smell to your clothes if you have a dryer like mine and can't use dryer sheets!
My dryer likes to eat dryer sheets so I don't use them! They end up getting sucked into the lint basket for some reason so that is why I spray the clothes before I start the dryer!

I hope you found this post helpful! Sorry I seemed to ramble on! I am a little tired and doing this and watching t.v. at the same time!

Stay tuned for more helpful tips!

Real Life: Impossible Potty Training!

Well, my youngest son is 2 1/2 and I have been trying and trying to get him potty trained! I would say at least 3-4 months now! He does so good if I let him run around naked but the second I put underwear and pants on him he wets himself! Sometimes he will even do a #2 in his pants! I have tried the sticker chart, toy rewards, candy rewards, etc. and he just don't seem to care! He is not afraid of the potty or anything so Idk what is going on! My 5 year old potty trained pretty easy! I just let him run around the house naked for about 2 weeks and that was it! I was a stay at home mom at that time though! I feel like if I didnt have to work I would be able to work with him more but I don't have that choice right now! I guess all I can do is hope he will get it down pretty soon here! Until then we will go through 5 pairs of underwear a day!

Real Life: A look into my family!

I thought it would be a good idea to give my readers a small look into my family! Just something to start you off with if you don't already know us! I am going to list 10 facts about each of us just to give you an idea of how we are in "Real Life". I think it will be fun so here goes!

1.)I hate bugs! Especially spiders!!
2.)I love being outside!(sports, fishing, walking, hiking, sight seeing, etc.)
3.)I love scrapbooking! I like that you be so creative while scrapbooking!
4.)I love photography! You can turn anything into something through a camera!
5.)I love my kids more than anything! They ALWAYS come first!
6.)I believe if you have Faith in Jesus anything is possible! I like to pray!
7.)I like gardening! Veggie gardening especially!
8.)I love shopping! Even if its just for cleaning supplies, I absolutely love it!
9.)I love couponing! Its amazing how much money you can save with just a few coupons!
10.)My husband is my BFF! He really is such an awesome person!

Brando(my husband):
1.)He is a great dad! He loves his boys more than anything!
2.)He likes fishing!
3.)He likes to play his guitars! Hes pretty good at it!
4.)He likes to beat me in basketball! And he usually always does! lol
5.)He likes dirt bikes and 4-wheelers!
5.)He is a material man! He loves material things and always wants something!
6.)He is a great cook! He makes the best chili!
7.)He had his first child at the age of 16 but he's been a great dad since day one!
8.)He hates shopping! Probably because I could spend a whole day in just one store! lol
9.)He loves his Hookah! (its a smoking device that allows you to smoke different flavored tobacco like mango, peach, and many many other flavors)
10.)He likes to make things out of recycled items such as beer bottle lamps!

Dev(my step son):
1.)He is 10 years old! He just had a birthday!
2.)He is a ladies man! He loves the ladies and they love him! lol
3.)He likes skateboarding!
4.)He likes reading! And he's a great reader!
5.)He likes to draw pictures!
6.)He likes to write stories! He wants to be an author when he gets older!
7.)He likes video games!
8.)He's a great kid! He's always polite and nice!
9.)He loves his little brothers! Although, I'm sure he would like for them to leave him alone sometimes!
10.)He loves amusement park rides!

Kota(my oldest biological son):
1.)He loves Indiana Jones! He wants to be him when he gets older! LOL!
2.)He is 5 years old! He will be starting Kindergarten in the fall!
3.)He is afraid to learn to ride a bike without training wheels!
4.)He loves the park!
5.)He likes video games! He is pretty good for being so young!
6.)He has known how to say his ABC's since he was 2! He was also spelling his name out and counting at age 2!
7.)He is the smartest 5 year old I have ever seen! He actually enjoys learning!
8.)He likes to not listen and talk back! Is this just a 5 year olds phase?!
9.)He likes photography! He loves to take pictures and also get his pictures taken!
10.)He loves music! He likes to sing!

Jules(my youngest biological son):
1.)He is 2 1/2 years old! And he works it well!
2.)He likes to do everything his 2 older brothers are doing!
3.)He also like to talk back! It must run in the genes!
4.)He has cutest dimples! He has had them since he was born!
5.)He LOVES Barney! He has learned a lot from that show!
6.)He was 16 months before he really started to talk! Now he is a non stop talker!
7.)He likes to watch me write his name! He should be spelling it on his own in no time!
8.)He knows his ABC's! He can also count to 20 by his self!
9.)He loves being outside!
10.)He hates his carseat! He climbs out every chance he gets!

Ok so there is a small look into my family! We're pretty normal I would say! LOL! Stay tuned and I will get the drum rolling as fast as I can! Right now I have to take Jules outside before he gets too crazy! I will definitely be back on today to add a few real posts! Hope you enjoyed so far! Have a great day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Real Life: An Intro To This Blog!

I have created this blog and titled it "Real Life: I'm a Mommy and Wife" because I want to let all the readers and followers see into the life of a "real life" mommy and wife! I don't want to sugar coat things and make things look perfect because we all know that in fact no ones family is perfect! As much as we sometimes wish they were!

In this blog I will be telling all my day to day experiences and adventures from home and work! Those two things in itself should make this blog pretty interesting! I will also be sharing mommy and wife tips and tricks to many different things! There will also be product reviews, recipes, contests, and give-aways!

If there is anything you wish to see here please let me know and I will try to get it done as long as it is appropriate! I want to thank you readers and ask that if you like my blog so far then please "follow" me and I will return the favor! God Bless and have a great day!